The following questions are for APA 6th Edition standards:

1. Each time you paraphrase content or ideas taken from the work of another author you are required to...
A) credit the source in the text and include the author(s) and year

B) Place the paraphrased content inside quotation marks (I chose this one)

C) Italicize the paraphrased content and include the author(s) name and year of publication

D) credit the source in the text and include author(s), year and page/paragraph number

2. Each time you include the exact words of another in your composition you are required to...
A) Italicize the quoted material and list the author(s) and year of publication (I chose this one)

B) Place the quoted material inside parentheses and include the year of publication of the original work

C) Include the 1st initial and last name of the original author in the text citation

D) Place the words inside quotation marks and add the author(s), year, and paragraph number

3. The required elements for the title page include:
A) Running head elements, page number, title of work and institutional affiliation

B) Running head elements, page number, title of work, author, and course number

(I don't think any of the answers for #3 are correct)

4. On the page following the title page where you will begin the body of your paper, the correct APA format is...
A) Running head, page number, title in bold, intro paragraph (i chose this one)

B) Running head, page number, title in upper and lower case, the heading intro and intro paragraph

C) Running head, page number, title in upper and lower case, intro in bold

D) Running head, page number, title in upper and lower case, intro paragraph

1 answer

1 and 2 are incorrect.

I agree with you about 3.

Check here for 4, and double-check everything else, too: