The following questions are based on the “Mt. Dome, California,” quadrangle (Figure 33-2 found on page 228 of the Laboratory Manual; enlarged to scale 1:48,000; contour interval 40 feet) and the stereogram of the same region (Figure 33-3 found on page 229 of the Laboratory Manual; north is to the left side of the page). Three prominent fault scarps can be seen running north to south across the map, and will be referred to as the “western” fault, the “central” fault, and the “eastern” fault. These fault scarps are the result of normal faulting.

1. Determine the approximate amount of vertical displacement along each of the three fault scarps at their intersection with line AB (when determining the amount of displacement, it may be easiest to count the number of contour lines shown on each scarp to determine the elevation change):
a. Western Fault: _______________ feet
b. Central Fault: _______________ feet
c. Eastern Fault: _______________ feet


a) 27 ft
b) 33 ft
c) 19 ft

2. (a) Is the amount of vertical displacement along the “central fault” uniform from north to south?

I believe the answer is yes, because of the way the question is stated but I am not sure.

(b) If not, describe the pattern of vertical displacement:


3 answers

I am instructor for a college in the US and for you cheaters out there on your lab work I recommend you stop as you are only hurting your grade. The answer of 27, 33, and 19 is not correct as that is the horizontal measurement not the vertical measurement. You have to look at the contour lines here. If you do not know the answer ask your instructor for help.
its right