The following data represent what 18 people said when they were asked to estimate the crowd at a public gathering:

325 450 500 500 550 575 575 600 600

650 650 700 700 700 725 750 800 900

State the mean, mode, median

325+450+500+500+550+575+575+600+ 600+650+650+700+700+700+725+750+800+900/18 = 625

Median: Is it 600 or 700-550=625? If so why? :S I don't understand it...

Mode: 700

Can someone verify if it is correct or wrong?


3 answers

The median is the number between the two in the middle. Half way between 600 and 650 = 625.
Just to clarify, 18/2= 9 therefore its in position 9 and 10? then add up and divided by two again? This is only for an even number of data right?

You could have added 600 and 650 and divided by 2 to get 625.