The Five Pillars of Islam are fundamental acts of worship and the foundation for a Muslim's faith and practice. Here they are listed in order with their summaries:
Profession of Faith (Shahada)
- This is the declaration of faith, affirming that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger. It is the basic creed that all Muslims must believe and express.
Prayer (Salah)
- Muslims are required to perform five daily prayers facing Mecca. These prayers serve as a direct link between the worshipper and Allah, fostering discipline and spirituality.
Alms (Zakat)
- This pillar involves giving to those in need and donating a portion of one's wealth (usually 2.5% of savings) to charitable causes, which promotes social responsibility and helps to alleviate poverty.
Fasting (Sawm)
- During the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs. This practice is meant to cultivate self-discipline, empathy for the less fortunate, and a closer relationship with Allah.
Pilgrimage (Hajj)
- Any Muslim who is physically and financially able is required to undertake the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. Hajj is a demonstration of unity and equality among Muslims and serves as a spiritual renewal.
These pillars guide Muslims in their faith and practices, fostering a sense of community and devotion.