The first time you are caught plagiarizing, will the College let you away with it as long as you don't do it again?

2 answers

Depends. Some colleges (online especially) encourage it. They make money by keeping students enrolled.

Real colleges have standards, and the consequences vary. Most have student Juries who hear each case and decide. My guess is that half of first time offenders are put onprobation, but it depends on what they plagarized, why, and on what document. A doctorial student would be held to more draconian standards than a freshman student on a short essay.
I agree with Bobpursley.

A young friend of mine had a nightmarish experience last year as a freshman at a major state university. Because of fatigue, illness, and confusion she copied several sentences from a textbook for a short, non-graded paper. She was caught and turned into the Honors Council. They found her guilty of plagiarism and sentenced her to withdrawing from the university for a semester, even though she had had an impeccable record. She appealed the decision and finally won with only a warning and a penalty of several hours of community service. In the process she went through hell and was suicidal for a while.

Don't let plagiarizing even tempt you!