The final project for ETH 125 is a 1,400- to 1,750-word autobiographical research paper on race in your community. The CheckPoints and assignments in class are designed to stimulate your awareness of cultural diversity issues, so, as you craft your final paper, think about how and where these issues exist within your community. Consult with your instructor regarding any questions about project requirements.
Your final project should be formatted according to APA guidelines, and contain the following elements:
•An introduction and a thesis
•A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
•A conclusion
•A reference list with at least three sources
10 answers
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I think your assignment contains a contradiction in terms. Autobiographical means the experiences you've had with race in your community. But research implies interviews, articles, statistics, and other information from outside sources.
Evidentally, then, you're supposed to write about your experiences, and also find and cite other sources that validate your experiences. Local newspaper articles, interviews with community leaders, and other published (printed or internet) sources can support your experiences.
This site has great information about how to format your paper and cite sources in APA format.
Evidentally, then, you're supposed to write about your experiences, and also find and cite other sources that validate your experiences. Local newspaper articles, interviews with community leaders, and other published (printed or internet) sources can support your experiences.
This site has great information about how to format your paper and cite sources in APA format.
Some of your sources may not validate your experiences. For instance, if you're white and haven't experienced racisim, you can probably find sources that portray racism in your community.
how would i source a community member or leader? Can I even look this up online????
This site shows how to cite an interview source.
Thank you so much!
How can you cite when what you have wrote comes from yourself? Can you even do that?
You're very welcome. Good luck with your paper! :-)
No. You don't cite what are your own ideas. You only cite the words that someone else said or wrote.
if my final project is about Race and Your community-what do I call my paper on the title page?