If a writer wanted to replace the word "dark" with one that created a greater sense of dread, the best choice would be ebony. This word conveys a deeper, more foreboding sense of darkness.
The feud might, perhaps, have died down or been compromised if the personal ill-will of the two men had not stood in the way; as boys they had thirsted for one another's blood, as men each prayed that misfortune might fall on the other, and this wind-scourged winter night Ulrich had banded together his foresters to watch the dark forest, not in quest of four-footed quarry, but to keep a look-out for the prowling thieves whom he suspected of being afoot from across the land boundary.
Use the passage to answer the question.
If a writer wanted to replace the word dark with one that created a greater sense of dread, what word might the writer use?
(1 point)
• opaque
• shadowy
• dim
• ebony
1 answer