the fact that many americans want the convenience of driving gas-guzzling trucks and sport utility vehicles that contribute disproportionately to pollution and global warming is an example of:

A. the micro-macro dilemma
B. discrepancies in customer value
C. marketing ethics.
D. the consumer's needs.

9 answers

I'll be glad to discuss your answer with you.
I was thinkink it would be micro-macro dilemma. Because some customers prefer these things but, they may not be right for everyone else.
the trouble is that discrepancies also looks corrcet because there is a difference between the venefits a customer see from a market offering and the costs of obtaining those benefits. aka the fun factor verses the gas price and pollution
i don't think it has to do with marketing ethics or consumer needs at all.
I think its the discrepancies in customer value.
Thank you, i have been thinking about this for about an 1hr.
It could be consumer needs, but not for all consumers. For example, if a family has 4 or 5 children, then they would need a 6 or 7 passenger vehicle for family uses, including long trips, ferrying kids to school or home, etc.

But since not all consumers have needs like that, I think Ms. Sue is right -- consumer value -- what the consumer values.
Thank you!