The experimental rats were being raised in separate environments. One group lived in the traditional cage in a quiet, but well lighted room. They were supplied with plenty of food and water. The second group inhabited "Rat Disney Land." There were colorful toys, exercise wheels, and mirrors. The experimenters talked to the rats in the second group and demonstrated concern. Based on the results of previous research the researchers expected __________________.

A. The rats in the first group to exhibit depression.
B. The rats in the second group to become hyperactive and unable to focus on a task.
C. The rats in the second group to make a higher score on an intelligence test.
D. The rats in the first group to make a higher score on a test of intelligence.

I think it is a or b. I know it is not c or d.

2 answers

How can rats be depressed? Lord help us.

The answer is B.
I don't know what they expected (hypothesized), but they found C.