The exam included 8 A's, 7 B's, and 6 C's.

is that correct?

6 answers

is that the exact word by word form of your question?
no, it's:
On the biology exam the students grades included 8 As, 7 Bs, and 6 Cs however the teacher was not satisfied with they're performance.
it is incorrect.
On the biology exam the students grades included 8 A's; 7 B's; and 6 C's; however the teacher was not satisfied with they're performance.
Oops -- It's THEIR performance, not they're performance.

THEY'RE is a contraction of they are.
What is a suffixes and prefixes of- navigate , speak ,appear .tolarate.
Is peer editing a verb? That is how I see it. Academic papers looks like the subect, which is plural in the sentence. So, It seems like require would fit better. I have been grieving over this for hours. Can you please help me?