The Erie Run Outlet mall has two NIKE stores, one is on Liberty street and the other on Barnes St. Two stores laid of differently, both owners claim their stores maximizes the amounts customers will impulse purchase. A sample of 10 customers at the Liberty st store revealed they spent the following amounts: $17.58, $19.73, $12.61, $17.79, $16.22, $15.82. $15.40, $15.86, $11.82, $15.85. A sample of 14 customers from the Barnes st store revealed they spent the following amounts( more than what they intended): $18.19, 20.22, 17.38, 17.96, 23.92, 15.87, 16.47, 15.96, 16.79, 16.74, 21.40, 20.57, 19.79, 14.83.For data analysis a t-test: two sampling assuming unequal variances was used.

At the .01 sig. level is there a difference in the mean amount purchased on an impulse at the two stores? Explain these results to a person who knows about the t test for a single sample but is unfamiliar with the t test for independent means.

Hypothesis test - Independent groups
(t-TEST, unequal variance)

NIKE -Liberty st
15.868 MEAN
2.3306 SD
10 N
NIKE Barnes st
18.2921 MEAN
2.5527 SD
14 N

20 df
-2.42414 diff (liberty - barnes st)
1.00431 s err of diff
0 hypoth diff

- 2.41 t
.5502 p value two tailed

-5.28173 C I 95% lower
0.43345 C I 95% UPPER
2.85759 M.O.E

5 answers
