The energies, E, for the first few states of an unknown element are shown here in arbitrary units.

n 1 E -11
n 2 E -5
n 3 E -2
n 4 E -1
n ... E ...
n infinite E 0

A gaseous sample of this element is bombarded by photons of various energies (in these same units). Match each photon to the result of its absorption (or lack thereof) by an n=1 electron.


n=1 to n=2
n=1 to n=3
n=1 to n=4
electron ejected
not absorbed

Chemistry - DrBob222, Monday, October 29, 2012 at 10:56pm
In order to get 11, I need to go from 11 to zero. Zero is infinity which means the electron was ejected (ionized).

To get 9 I need 2 to 11 and that is n = 1 to n = 3. Can you take it from here?

Chemistry - Anonymous, Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 12:47pm
I need help with the rest.

What is C/8? not absorbed?
Is D/8 n=1 to n=2?

2 answers

I agree with both of your answers. You made a typo on D/8 should be D/6 but you gave the right answer.
what is d/6