The eager night and the impetuous winds,%0D%0AThe hints and whispers of a thousand lures,%0D%0AAnd all the swift persuasion of the Spring,%0D%0ASurged from the stars and stones, and swept me on . . .%0D%0AThe smell of honeysuckles, keen and clear,%0D%0AStartled and shook me, with the sudden thrill%0D%0AOf some well-known but half-forgotten voice.%0D%0AA slender stream became a naked sprite,%0D%0AFlashed around curious bends, and winked at me%0D%0ABeyond the turns, alert and mischievous.%0D%0AA saffron moon, dangling among the trees,%0D%0ASeemed like a toy balloon caught in the boughs,%0D%0AFlung there in sport by some too-mirthful breeze . . .%0D%0AAnd as it hung there, vivid and unreal,%0D%0AThe whole world's lethargy was brushed away;%0D%0AThe night kept tugging at my torpid mood%0D%0AAnd tore it into shreds. A warm air blew%0D%0AMy wintry slothfulness beyond the stars;%0D%0AAnd over all indifference there streamed%0D%0AA myriad urges in one rushing wave . . .%0D%0A%0D%0A %0D%0A%0D%0A(from "Summons" by Louis Untermeyer)%0D%0A%0D%0AQuestion%0D%0AWhat is the meaning of ,begin emphasis,torpid,end emphasis, as it is used in line 16?%0D%0A%0D%0AAnswer options with 4 options%0D%0A1.%09%0D%0Aelated%0D%0A%0D%0A3.%09%0D%0Alistless%0D%0A%0D%0A2.%09%0D%0Ainspired%0D%0A%0D%0A4.%09%0D%0Arestless

1 answer

The meaning of "torpid" as used in line 16 is 3. listless.