The distance between Mountain View and crown top is 6.5 inches on a map if the scale on the map is 1 inch equals 25 miles what is the actual distance between the two towns 831.5 miles be 16.5 miles see 162.5 miles D 1 165 miles

22 answers

I counted 8 posts by you, with no indication of where your problems are, nor any show of some type of effort on your part.
We do not just supply answers for assignments or tests.
I will not answer any more unless I see some response by you.
Okay I work the ones I know and check them with you guys I’m not cheating!!!
UR STOOPID THIS QUESTION IS SO EASY but ill tell u it anyway, its C. STOOPID
Your not stupid don't listen to these guys just cause they say something don't mean its true, keep working and try your best
she is dumb and so r u lol
You must be dumb too if you're on this website looking up the question for the answer lol
We are not trying to learn your life, every single question your in you use you "stupid" excuse saying "you don't know my like" and other things like that. If your life is bad don't make everyone else's life bad. You better stop calling people names change your name, or you won't be on this site anymore!
I think ur dumb came on this website to mock people
pls dont be mean maybe she has or he has trouble with this stuff and you dont imagine if it was fliped and "ur" was the one asking the question and anna was saying ur stupid would you like that no so be kind
dang auto correct it takes out some word
I honestly think @Ur is joking. No one is that pitifully stupid... Then again, we are talking about middle schoolers
can ur just be quiet because he or she is being really mean and cyber bullying on poor innocent people he needs to be banished and by thati mean banned
omg stop. we just came for answers!
@Saaaaaa dude lmao he really said "YOUR not stupid" its YOU'RE not stupid lmao
btw is anyone going to say the answer? (plz don't take this as rude >-<).
sO i am cOnfuSiOn
I have done answers 1-8 here if you need them. and I'm here to help.😊

1. 34:8
2. 4:5
3. 904 miles
4. $2.98 per gallon
5. 8 pounds
6. 6/27 , 2/9
7 . Y= 6
8. 24 m
You don't have to use those 8 questions answers for the ratios, proportion, and percents unit test but if you want to check ✔ your 8 out of 20 questions there you go have a great day love you all guys😚🥳
I might come back with the rest of the answers so umm if you get mad that I didn't put all of the answers srry but you need to learn it because there are no short cuts in math 😔
oki thank u tho uwu :)
can someone give me the real answers please