The Human Genome Project was a monumental accomplishment because the project brought the world's research together and made it available to everybody.
The discovery of the structure and make-up of DNA was very competitive, even dishonest at times, between scientists of various countries. Therefore, the Human Genome Project was a monumental accomplishment because the project _____.
discovered DNA structure and profiling
discovered DNA structure and profiling
found the cause of many genetic diseases
found the cause of many genetic diseases
developed a database to catch criminals across the world
developed a database to catch criminals across the world
brought the world's research together and made it available to everybody
brought the world's research together and made it available to everybody
11 answers
map the entire human genome
map the entire human genome
promote friendliness among the various sciences
promote friendliness among the various sciences
locate specific genes that caused given diseases
locate specific genes that caused given diseases
identify the RNA of the human genome
The goal of the Human Genome Project was to map the entire human genome.
has been made available to both the scientific and private communities of the world
has been made available to both the scientific and private communities of the world
like the rest of the genome, is still not complete and has not yet been published
like the rest of the genome, is still not complete and has not yet been published
due to criminal fraud, must be kept secret from both the general public and scientists
due to criminal fraud, must be kept secret from both the general public and scientists
is very complicated, medically important, and cannot be shared
The genome map with details for gene 4 on chromosome 6 has been made available to both the scientific and private communities of the world.
molecular biology
molecular biology
The science that studies the impact of atmospheric smog on genetic expression, causing cancer and other diseases such as asthma, is called epigenomics.
could be compiled from that database found on the Human Genome Project site
could be compiled from that database found on the Human Genome Project site
would not need to include more profiles than that used for known criminals
would not need to include more profiles than that used for known criminals
needs the identities and profiles of possible victims
needs the identities and profiles of possible victims
would be the same as that used by the countries' forensic scientists
The database used for the identification of victims of earthquakes needs the identities and profiles of possible victims.
food found in the victim's refrigerator
food found in the victim's refrigerator
used and unwashed clothing or bed sheets
used and unwashed clothing or bed sheets
sunglasses regularly used by the person
sunglasses regularly used by the person
a toothbrush used by the person
The source that could not be used to obtain the DNA of a person lost in a mass disaster is food found in the victim's refrigerator.