The directions in the course say: Escucha las grabaciones a continuación y contesta en una frase completa en español. Puedes escuchar más de una vez si es necesario. So you should: Listen to the recorded questions as many times as necessary. Answer each question in a complete (written) sentence in Spanish. Helpful hints: Listen to each recording one at a time. 1st listen: pick out the keywords, form a general idea of what the question is asking and write it down. 2nd listen: check the keywords you thought you heard the first time. 3rd listen: listen for other vocabulary, confirm what the question is asking. If there are any words you don’t recognize, do your best to spell them out and look them up- remember, Spanish is phonetic so spell it the way it sounds. 4th listen: confirm what you think you heard in the question + restate as an answer. Restate the question! Note: these examples are in English, but your answers will be in Spanish. Claro. :) For example: Where is the bathroom? Is it down the hall or up the stairs? → The bathroom is down the hall. For example: How are you today? → I am fine today. General Grading Guidelines: The Portfolio is worth 24 points, there are 8 questions, so each answer = 3 points. Did the student understand the question/answer appropriately to show understanding? Did the student write in a complete sentence/restate the question? Are all verbs conjugated correctly? Are there other grammatical/spelling errors present? Answer these questions in Spanish: (24 points)

1 answer

¡Claro! Estoy aquí para ayudarte. Aunque no puedo escuchar grabaciones, puedo ayudarte a prepararte para responder preguntas en español. Si me proporcionas ejemplos de las preguntas o los temas de las grabaciones, puedo ofrecerte respuestas completas en español que sigan las instrucciones dadas.

Por ejemplo, si la pregunta es "¿Cómo te sientes hoy?", una respuesta completa sería: "Hoy me siento muy bien."

Proporciona las preguntas, y estaré encantado de ayudarte a formular respuestas.