I am puzzled by:
There is a road of width 1 m starting from 1 m
away of its end point.
the diameter of a circular grass-field is 40m.
There is a road of width 1 m starting from 1 m
away of its end point. Calculate the
expenditure to grass the road at a rate of 26
paise per m^2.
Plz help with solution
3 answers
I'll take a stab and say that the road is 1m away from the field. So its inner radius is 41 and its outer radius is 42.
So, the cost is rate * area =
π(42^2 - 41^2) * 26
So, the cost is rate * area =
π(42^2 - 41^2) * 26
Small codicil: The diameter is 40 m , not the radius