• British economic policies impose taxes and restrictions on colonial trade.
• British officials impose stricter control and supervision over colonial governments.
• British troops are stationed in the colonies to enforce these policies.
• The colonists' rights and liberties are infringed upon.
• Colonists become increasingly frustrated and angry with British rule.
• Colonists begin to demand political change and voice their grievances.
• Colonists seek military assistance from other nations to fight against British oppression.
• The need for a formal document to express their grievances and declare independence becomes apparent.
• The Declaration of Independence is written to clearly state the reasons for colonial separation from Britain and to rally support for the American cause.
The diagram below describes a cause that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence.• Colonial agriculture trade increases.• Colonial agriculture trade increases.
• Colonial religious devotion increases.• Colonial demand for political change increases.Colonial demand for military assistance increases.
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