The department of education has awarded an agency a grant for 1.6 million to provide training,programming for school drop outs. Prepare a budget matrix to help award the agency. The matrix budget consists of line-item and functional program budget. Create a line-item budget and a functional program budget.

9 answers

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
Help me with a budget using 1.6 million for dropouts using a line-item budget and a functional program budget.
How do you plan to use this money? Salaries? Facilities? Materials?

What is YOUR plan for planning training and programming for school dropouts?
Yes that is correct but I had to stay within my means.
Make the plan first. You'll also need to know how long this 1.6 million is supposed to last -- one year? five years?
one year
Post a line item budget showing all associated cost implementing the training program 60%vocational and 40%basic. Combine a functional and program to calculate all cost per enrolled student.
Associated costs would be:
building rental
maintenance of the building
salary of administrator
salaries of teachers and counselors
salaries of paraprofessionals
materials for student use
other materials