The density of iron at 25 C is 7.871 g/cm^3

what is the volume of one mole of solid iron at 25 C?

i understand that volume = m/d but how would i go about solving this?

2 answers

Isn't one mole of iron equal to its atomic mass in grams? Can you look up the atomic mass of iron?
thanks, this is how i calculated it:

1 mol Fe/.141 mol/cm^3 = 7.10 cm^3

(the .141 came from converting the density in to moles)

is that correct?

then the next step in the problem is to find the volume of 1 mol of Fe atoms assuming each atom to be spherical. the atomic radius is 0.126 nm.

so i calculated:
4/3 pi (0.126 nm)^3 = .00838 nm^3

is that correct?
thank you for your help.