The demand function for a well known economics textbook is:
P = 100 - .005Q
The publisher must pay $20 per book in printing and distribution costs and, in
addition, it must pay the author a $20 royalty for each book sold.
(a) Your job is to provide advice to the publisher. What price will maximise
the publisher’s profit? How much profit will the publisher earn? What will
be the total royalty payment earned by the author?
Ans: profit maximizes when MR=MC.
since TC function is not given do i have to assume ATC is constant. If ATC is constant MC will be constant, but then how do I equal MC to MR (what would be the MC function) and how do I substitute that to demand function.As I am stuck here couldn't proceed.
(b) A consultant says that the publisher and the author have the wrong type of
agreement. He says that the author and the publisher should tear up their
original agreement, in which the author gets $20 per book sold, and enter
into a profit-sharing agreement. He recommends that the author gets 40%
of the profit and the publisher 60%. What price should the publisher set
with this profit-sharing agreement?
(c) Will both the author and the publisher prefer the profit-sharing agreement
to their original agreement? Which agreement will the students who buy
the textbook prefer?
(d) Given the demand and cost conditions indicated above suppose that the
royalty payment was such that the author received a payment which was
15% of sales revenue. Prove that there is an inherent conflict between the
author and the publisher in that the author has an interest in the book’s
price being lower than the price which maximises the publisher’s profit.
First, you missed on marginal revenue.
Total revenue is P*Q. = 100Q-.005Q2 . Marginal revenue is the first derivitive of total revenue, so MR=100-.01Q
Marginal cost is the cost, to the publisher, of producing 1 additional book. He pays $20 printing costs plus $20 royalities for each book, regardless of the number printed. Ergo, Marginal Cost = Average cost = $40.
Solve MR=MC = 100-.01Q=40 Q=6000.
For you, calculate optimal price, the net profit going to the publisher and the royalities going to the author.
b) Now things get a bit tricky. The publisher must still pay $20 for printing. However, under the new contract, he pays 40% of the net profit. So, Marginal cost becomes 20 + .4*(P-20) = 12+.4*P. Substitute the original demand equation for P. Thus MC=12+.4*(100-.001Q) = 52-.002Q.
Again, set MC=MR and solve for Q.
c) Again calculate the amounts going to the publisher and author. Compare these to the amounts you calculated for part a). Compare the prices, as well, to see which plan the students will prefer.
d) With a flat 15% of sales, the marginal cost for the publisher becomes 20+.15P Repeat the steps you did in b). The inherent conflict arises because the publisher must pay the printing costs, while the marginal cost for the author is zero.