whoever is on right now ...pleeease help me with my quesions..i have posted up so many but im not really getting help on any of them
the Declaration states the unalienable rights of individuals as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Hapiness...but i need an example of if these rights are upheld today or not.
4 answers
You've gotten a great deal of help over the last few days.
It seems to me that you've come to depend on the Jiskha teachers rather than trying to think, read, research, and understand your homework yourself.
What examples can you find about whether those rights are upheld today?
It seems to me that you've come to depend on the Jiskha teachers rather than trying to think, read, research, and understand your homework yourself.
What examples can you find about whether those rights are upheld today?
the Declaration gives an example that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and institute a new goverments
so according to that these rights are upheld today
so according to that these rights are upheld today
Are they?? What proof do you have that they are upheld today?