The Daily Gazette accepts classified ads in several categories. For most ads, the newspaper charges 10 cents per word for the first 50 words, and 8 cents per word for every word after that. Design a flowchart for a program that accepts data about an ad: customer name, ad category (for example, Apartment for rent), and number of words. Display all the input data and the price for the ad.

a. Modify the newspaper ad program to provide a 10 percent discount for ads over 300 words.
b. Modify the newspaper ad program to display the details of the ad only if it is inn the Used cars category.
c. Modify the newspaper ad program so the ad is in the Found category, in which case it is free, or in the Business services category, in which case the charge is 20 cents per word.
d. Modify the newspaper as program to accept the ad data, then to prompt the user for and accept an ad category. Display the data only if the ad is in the specified category.