The daily demand of type I, type II and type III is respectively 600 loaves, 750 loaves and 500 loaves. The per unit cost to the bakery of the ingredient A,B,C and D is respectively #0.10, #0.07, #0.05 and #0.4 . If the bakery sells the bread for #0.60 for type I, #0.04 for type II and #0.05 for type III, using multiplication only, Determine the following, (1).The ingredients required to fill the daily order(2). the cost for each type of Bread(3). Cost of ingredient required to fill the order.(4). Revenue realized from filling this order and the resultant profit.

5 answers

so, have you set up your matrices?
If the vectors are
D for demand (3x1)
C for cost
R for revenue,
I for ingredients (3xn)

#1. DTI (1xn)
and so on
Yes, I have set up the matrices. But your solution is not yet clear to me. Pls explain better Sir
The daily demand of type I, type II and type III is respectively 600 loaves, 750 loaves and 500 loaves. The per unit cost to the bakery of the ingredient A,B,C and D is respectively #0.10, #0.07, #0.05 and #0.04 . If the bakery sells the bread for #0.60 for type I, #0.04 for type II and #0.05 for type III, using multiplication only, Determine the following, (1).The ingredients required to fill the daily order(2). the cost for each type of Bread(3). Cost of ingredient required to fill the order.(4). Revenue realized from filling this order and the resultant profit.
The question is not complete what about the quantity of ingredients we need per bread type.This is from AGE-UI right?
Yes sir...From UI. Thought it was complete though. Thanks Peter