PI, not pie!!!
The center of gravity is clearly on the x-axis, so we just need to find the x-coordinate.
Recall that
x-bar = (integral x*f(x) dx)/(integral f(x) dx)
the curve y^2 = x(1-x)^2 between x = 0 and x =
1, rotates about the x - axis through 2pie
radians. Find the position of the centre of
gravity of the solid so formed.
4 answers
i really wanna thank you sir-steve,but i really dont know that's the truth plz&plz can you at list start the work form me so that i know know the next step to take thanks bhai
just google the topic. You might start here:
I'm sure your text has examples of finding the centroid.
If you are unsure about the shape, just see
I'm sure your text has examples of finding the centroid.
If you are unsure about the shape, just see
oooh thanks i guess that might help hopefully,i cant acess the url web address sir steve it doesn't wanna click i dont know why can u send it agn