The Courage to Save L. Han Li Han traveled to a town across the mountains in China to buy medicine for his sick mother. Without the pills, his mother's heart could not work well. She had run out many days ago and was home in bed. When Li Han reached the town, he bought all the medicine he could afford. Then, he hurried back across the mountains. To keep from giving up when his body grew tired, he thought of his mother's loving face and all the kind things she had done for him. At last, Li Han reached the mountain pass, but the path had disappeared! A river flood had washed it away. If Li Han were to reach home, he must somehow cross this river. Li Han could not swim and had always been afraid of the rushing water, but his mother was depending on him. So he held the backpack high over his head and stepped into the freezing cold water. It pulled at his weary legs and threatened to knock him over, but he stood strong, taking one careful step at a time. In the middle of the river, he tried not to think of the danger he was in. He thought only of his mother. Finally, with his last few ounces of strength, Li Han made it across and down the mountainside. When he reached his home, his mother smiled weakly and gratefully took the medicine. Soon, she was her old self again, and Li Han had himself a nice, long rest. Question The setting of "The Courage to Save" and the setting of "The Water Fountain" are both influenced by— Responses A heatheat B waterwater C firefire D mountainsmountains
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