1. Rejecting traditional dress codes: Hippies chose to dress in unconventional and colorful ways, often incorporating elements of Native American, Eastern, or African cultures, rather than adhering to the more conservative styles of their parents.
2. Experimenting with mind-altering substances: The hippie counterculture embraced the use of drugs such as marijuana and LSD, which were considered taboo by previous generations.
3. Advocating for peace and non-violent protest: Many hippies opposed the Vietnam War and promoted peaceful, non-violent methods of protest and resistance.
4. Embracing communal living: Hippies rejected the traditional family structure and instead embraced communal living arrangements, such as communes and collectives, in which members shared resources and responsibilities.
5. Promoting free love and sexual liberation: Hippies rejected traditional notions of monogamy and sexual morality, advocating for a more open and liberated approach to sex and relationships.
The “counterculture” movement of the 70s challenged traditional social patterns. List at least 5 ways that hippies challenged previous generations. (slides 5-7)
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