The cost of the Iraq War, as of June 2009, equals:

A. Giving 32 million four-year college scholarships
B. enrolling more than 100 children in Head Start programs
C. building 5 million new public-housing units
D. either A or B is correct

The books says that 114 million kids in Head Start for 1 year and 128 million college scholarships for 1 year or 6.5 million units of public housing

Not sure about D-wording seems odd
I think b would be the answer-Head Start

6 answers

100 children isn't close to 114 million kids

One of the other answers is correct. Read the problem and the answers VERY carefully.
sorry should have been enrolling more than 100 million children in Head Start programs
O.K. But that's not the answer.

Hint: 32 * 4 = ?
I actually had figured that -but the more than 100 million Head Start kids confused me-since 114 is more than 100 million-Thanks
I agree. This is a confusing question. But A must be the right answer.
is it d