You need to convert 3.8 cents to dollars.
You can observe the pattern for converting cents to dollars by looking at a simpler problem.
How much is 1 cent in dollars? 1 cent = .01 dollars
All we have to do is move the decimal place two to the left to convert cents to dollars.
Remember it's not possible to have less than a penny, so we can't have something like $2.937. You would round to $2.94 in that case. Try to apply the same logic to your problem.
the cost in dollars of printing dollar bills when it costs 3.8cents to print a dollar bill
3 answers
I have to write a function rule to describe this statement...please help
C(x) = .038x
where x is the number of dollar bills printed
That seems too simple, but maybe that's it.
where x is the number of dollar bills printed
That seems too simple, but maybe that's it.