Contract Agreement
This Contract Agreement is made between [Name of the Shop], located at [Location of the Shop], represented by [Employee's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Employer"), and [Employee's Name], contact details [Contact Details of Employee] (hereinafter referred to as "Employee").
The Employer hereby gives permission for the Employee to sign this contract on his behalf.
Job Description: The Employee is hired as [Job Description].
Working Hours: The Employee's working hours will be [Working Hours] per week.
Rate of Remuneration: The Employee will be paid [Rate of Remuneration] per [Payment Frequency].
Leave: The Employee is entitled to [Number] days of annual leave per year.
Benefits: The Employee will be entitled to [List of Benefits].
Lunch Time: The Employee will have a lunch break of [Duration] each day.
Date of Commencement of Employment: This contract is effective as of [Date of Commencement of Employment].
Date of Termination of Contract: This contract will terminate on [Date of Termination of Contract] unless renewed by mutual agreement.
This Contract Agreement is made in duplicate and signed by both parties.
Employer: [Signature]
Employee: [Signature]
Date: [Date]
the contract can be typed in any format, but the following heading must appear. you have been given permission by the shop owner to sign the contract on his behalf.
name of the shop
location of the shop
employees name
contact details of employee
job description
working hours
rate of remuneration
lunch time
date of commencement of employment
date of termination of contract
name and signatures
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