the completed Constructing Regular Shapes Portfolio worksheet
for Constructing a Square Inscribed in a Circle Question 1: Sheet of paper with your construction of a square inscribed in a circle that shows all compass markings
for Constructing a Regular Hexagon Inscribed in a Circle Questions 1 and 2A: Sheet of paper with your construction of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle that shows all compass markings. The regular hexagon should also have line segments drawn that divide it into six equilateral triangles (as described in 2A)
for Constructing an Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in a Circle Question 1: Sheet of paper with your construction of an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle that shows all compass markings
for Constructing an Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in a Circle Question 2A: Sheet of paper showing your construction of an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle following Megan’s method, showing all compass markings
3 answers
1. For Constructing a Square Inscribed in a Circle:
- Draw a circle using a compass.
- Construct the diagonals of the circle to find the center.
- Place the compass on the center and draw a circle that will be the square.
- Draw the square inscribed within the circle.
2. For Constructing a Regular Hexagon Inscribed in a Circle:
- Draw a circle using a compass.
- Construct the diagonals of the circle to find the center.
- Place the compass on the center and mark six points around the circle to create the hexagon.
- Connect the points to form the regular hexagon inscribed in the circle.
- To divide the hexagon into six equilateral triangles, connect the center of the hexagon with each vertex.
3. For Constructing an Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in a Circle:
- Draw a circle using a compass.
- Construct the diameters of the circle to find the center.
- Place the compass on the center and mark three points around the circle to form the triangle.
- Connect the points to create the equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle.
4. For Constructing an Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in a Circle using Megan's method:
- Follow Megan's specific method for constructing an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle, referring to your notes or instructions given by the teacher.
- Use the compass and ruler to carefully mark and draw the triangle, ensuring it is inscribed within the circle.
These instructions should help you complete the Constructing Regular Shapes Portfolio worksheet effectively. Let me know if you require any further clarification or assistance.