I did the first one,
^241_95 Am--> ^4_2He + ^237_93Np
(hopes that doesn't look too confusing, ^ for root and _ for sub)
I'm having trouble doing the ones after the first decay.
2. ^237_93Np--> ^4_2He + ^231_91Pa
237-4 = 233 and 93-2=91 so ^233_91Pa and that adds up.
it just doesn't add up to equal each other. What do I do?
The complete decay of Americium-241 involves successively with a (alpha), a, B(beta), a, a, B, a, a, a, B, a production. Identify the 11 intermediate nuclides.
I did the first one,
^241_95 Am--> ^4_2He + ^237_93Np
(hopes that doesn't look too confusing, ^ for root and _ for sub)
I'm having trouble doing the ones after the first decay.
2. ^237_93Np--> ^4_2He + ^231_91Pa
it just doesn't add up to equal each other. What do I do?
2 answers
Thanks DrBob!!