The company offers secure online, in the Cloud, (and offline) document storage to

small companies wno need to secure iner important documents ol-sile and in a location not associated with the client. Documents may need to be scanned before uploading online if they are not in an electronic format already.A typical client would be a lawyer, doctor, consulting agent, etc., that needs to reduce
the risk or losina important oncinal documents aue to tire, ther, sabotage. etc. Inev would generally also require off-site physical storage of these documents (do not worry about the physical document storage scenario for this WIL project; only consider the provision of online document storage).
Currently, CDS does not have any IT systems to handle the day-to-day running of the
business. All their payroll, bankina, debtors, crediors. stock or onice supplies and other administration is done manually by the accountant/administrator and stored in spread sheets and word processing documents, and the logging of calls and sales to the help
deskis managed ovine nelo desk.
CDS Mission: Our mission is to provide secure document storage to individuals and busillesses.
CDS vision: Our vision is to become a market leader in document storage.
The company has 10 employees. These employees are:
The Director;
the Direciors secretary.
A tinancial manager
Salespersons ×2);
A help desk and support team (x3);
A cloud computing specialist.
When required, the help desk and support team members double up as sales
Company strategy for the next tive years:
To grow from a small company to at least a medium-sized company To be a household name and the recognised online document storage company;
• To become a complete online solution in terms of all business.
The intrastructure consists of the tollowind:
A large server that has almost reached its capacity;
the once intrastructure consists or an interer and e-mall server, a small network
MS Outlook;
Wireless network connections as well as LAN;
An open office floor plan with the boardroom and Director's office having lockable
A server room
• A large off-site warehouse at a secret location to store physical documents..Outline Deliverables of tasks given eg. Reports ..Write the Report with lengthy Paragraphs.The Report should include These subheadings Title Page,Table of Contents,Executive Summery,Introduction ,Methodology,Findings,Conclusion,Recommendations,Refences.All these subheadings should have a paragraph

1 answer

Report on the Implementation of IT Systems for Secure Online Document Storage

Title Page

Title: Implementing IT Systems for Document Storage Solutions
Prepared for: CDS
Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: [Current Date]

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Methodology
  4. Findings
  5. Conclusion
  6. Recommendations
  7. References

Executive Summary

This report outlines the imperative need for CDS to implement integrated IT systems that will facilitate the secure online storage of important documents for clients such as lawyers, doctors, and consultants. Currently, the company relies on manual processes for day-to-day operations, which can lead to inefficiencies and increased risk of data loss. The proposed IT systems and infrastructure improvements aim to streamline the administration of services, enhance security, and better manage customer relationships. Key findings indicate a readiness for technological investment, while recommendations focus on cloud solutions, document management software, and ongoing training for staff to ensure optimal usage of the new systems.


CDS is dedicated to providing secure online document storage solutions tailored for small businesses. The company serves clients who have critical needs for protecting original documents from potential risks, such as fire or sabotage. Currently, CDS operates without a cohesive IT strategy, resulting in fragmented processes handled manually by employees. Given the company’s ambitious five-year strategy to scale from a small firm to a recognized leader in the online document storage market, there is an urgent requirement to modernize operations by adopting IT systems that ensure efficiency, security, and scalability.


To ascertain the requirements and potential solutions for CDS, a mixed-method approach was adopted. Data was collected through qualitative interviews with staff members, particularly focusing on their pain points and recommendations. Quantitative analysis was conducted to evaluate existing capacity constraints, such as the nearly full server. Additionally, examinations of best practices in document storage technologies within similar organizations were reviewed. This holistic analysis helped to identify the most effective IT solutions aligned with CDS’s mission and vision.


The primary findings reveal that CDS is operating at a critical juncture, with an urgent need for comprehensive IT systems. The manual processing of payroll, accounting, and customer interactions is not sustainable, especially in light of the growing client base and increased demand for document security. Current infrastructure, including an overburdened server and limited network capabilities, hampers operational efficiency. There is substantial interest among staff for advanced training in new software tools, particularly in cloud computing and document management applications. Enhanced digital capabilities will not only optimize current processes but also support the company's growth objectives.


In conclusion, the existing operational model of CDS is inadequate for the company’s aspirations of becoming a market leader in secure document storage solutions. The growing reliance on manual processes exposes the business to risks of inefficiency and data loss, which could undermine client trust. By investing in modern IT systems, CDS has the opportunity to transform its administrative practices and bolster its service offerings, ensuring secure, reliable, and accessible document storage for clients.


To effectively address the challenges identified, it is recommended that CDS invest in a robust cloud-based document management system, which will enable seamless storage, retrieval, and sharing of documents. Training sessions should be conducted to familiarize employees with the new technologies, ensuring they possess the skills necessary to leverage these tools effectively. Furthermore, steps should be taken to upgrade the current network infrastructure to accommodate the increased data flow and storage requirements. Regular evaluations and feedback mechanisms should also be integrated into the system to continuously assess performance and identify areas for further improvement.


  • [Include relevant references and citations to support the findings, methodologies, and recommendations presented in the report. This could include software vendors, case studies from similar companies, industry reports on document management systems, etc.]

  • Note: Ensure that each reference is formatted according to the relevant style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).