The columns on the Periodic Table are called groups because they all have similar properties.
The elements in a period all have the same number of electron shells.
Group 1 is known as the alkali metals, which all have 1 valence electron.
Group 2 is known as the alkaline earth metals, which all have 2 valence electrons.
Group 17/7A are known as the halogens, which like to "grab" an extra electron from other elements.
Group 18/8A are the noble gases, which do not react with other elements.
Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost electron shell on an atom.
The columns on the Periodic Table are called ____ because they all have similar properties.
The elements in a ___ all have the same number of electron shells.
Group 1 is known as the ____ electron.
Group 2 is known as the ____ electrons. which all have 2 valence
Group 17/7A are known as the ____ electron from other elements. , and like to "grab" an extra
Group 18/8A are the elements. which do not react with other
Valence electrons are the electrons the electron shell on an atom.
which all have 1 valence
1 answer