The CN Tower is 553m high. A person in a boat on Lake Ontario, at a point B due south of the tower, observes the top (T) of the tower at an angle of elevation of 8 degrees. At the same time, another person, at a point C on a bearing {S 85 degrees E } from the towerobserves an angle of elevation pf T to be 11 degrees. Calculate the distance BC between the 2 ppl.
If the person is due south and the tower is 553m, then the distance of B from the tower is
tan(8deg)=553m/dist. to B -you should be able to solve for the distance to B.
You should be able to determine the distance from C to the tower too as
tan(11deg)=553m/dist. to C -you should be able to solve for the distance to C.
You should now know the distance each is from the tower and the angle between the two points. You should be able to find the distance bewteen B and C using one of your trig identities, like oh say, the law of cosines or something similar.