the class will be divided into two clusters for a debate about regulatory issues in health care and human services. The Pro Lobbyists will argue that, through standards and accountability, a highly regulated environment benefits the delivery of health care and human service to clients. The Con Lobbyists will argue that a highly regulated environment makes health care and human service delivery too complex and bureaucratic, reducing the quality of care to clients.

4 answers

That should make for an interesting debate.

How would you like us to help you?
I would like for you to tell me how would the con lobbyist debate?
The health care and human service systems deal with individuals -- all with different needs. No two clients or patients are alike. No regulations can take all of these differences into account. Patients with atypical symptoms or unconventional living conditions or uncertain income do not usually fit into narrow categories.

A highly regulated environment must dot every i and cross every t for all of the necessary paper work. A health care facility may find that it has to employ more record keepers than medical personnel -- thus rendering health care either too expensive or too inadequate.
hello would you tell me how you would debrate on the pro lobbyist?