The clapping of the unhinged shutters against the house woke up John abruptly. That's strange, thought John puzzled by the sound. I could have sworn that I shut those shutters before I went to sleep.

Still drowsy with sleep, John stumbled out of bed to close the shutters. He was fearless even though the noise was alarming. However, when he approached the window, the shutters were tightly hinged to the wall. John's eyebrows furrowed, creating a deep wrinkle above the bridge of his nose. I must have been hearing things, John said to himself as he climbed back into his bed.
Just as John was about to drift back to sleep, the shutters began to pound uncontrollably. This time he woke up bewildered and out of sorts. He got out of bed bravely and looked at the shutters again, but they were attached to the wall like the time before. John was baffled . . . until he saw a hand reach out from the window next to his.

Think about the way the author represents the character of John. How does the author reveal his or her attitude toward John?
The author narrates every thought that John has.
The author presents a problem that John has to solve.
The author describes the way John gets out of bed.
The author uses words like "fearless" and "bravely."

1 answer

D. The author uses words like "fearless" and "bravely."

The author's attitude toward John is revealed through the choice of words used to describe his actions and demeanor. By using words like "fearless" and "bravely," the author portrays John as a courageous and determined character, which gives the reader a clear understanding of John's personality and how he handles unusual or alarming situations.