The chart below lists organisms in five different categories living in the East Texas Piney Woods. Based on the chart, which food chain best models a flow of energy in this ecosystem?

Vegetation Mammals Invertebrates Reptiles Birds
Longleaf grass

Water oak

Red mulberry

White-tailed Deer

Eastern gray squirrel

Cotton mouse




Milk snake

Anole lizards

Field sparrows

Great horned owl

Water Oak-->Red Mulberry-->Eastern Gray Squirrel-->Milk Snake-->Great Horned Owl

Field sparrows-->Spiders-->Anole Lizards-->Red Mulberry

Longleaf grass-->Cotton mouse-->Milk Snake-->Great horned owl

Crickets-->Anole lizards-->Field Sparrows -->Milk snake

1 answer

Based on the chart, the food chain that best models a flow of energy in this ecosystem would be: Longleaf grass --> Cotton mouse --> Milk Snake --> Great horned owl.