The Chairman of The Appeal Committee

University of Goroka
P.O.Box 1078
Dear / Madam
SUB; Appeal For A Failing Grade Received In Plant Physiology
I am Moses Puke with ID\#2021313086, writing to appeal for a supplemental exam for the BI
335 course that I failed I at Level 4. The reasons for my failure stem from various issues that I
believe warrant a second chance for me and my fellow environmental science students
During the first semester registration, I went to Mr. Anae's office for course advice, and he sent
me to seek advice from Mr. Kale. Then Mr. E. Kale registered me to take B1 424 Biotechnology. I
attended class for some weeks, at least three weeks, and then Mr J. Anae informed Mrs.
Hungito to change the course again. So, Mrs Hungito called me into her office, and we tried to
resolve the situation by putting me back to take plant physiology again by Mr. Anae, who told
me to choose a course again to take B1335 plant physiology .I had already registered for the
biotechnology class and did a practical assignment with Dr. Shakel.
Lately, Mr. J. Anae called me to his office and told me to change the course to plant physiology,
and he registered me to take plant physiology I was late for the class after some weeks but I
followed his advice and took plant physiology BI 335. I know that my case is also known and
aware by the mention lecturers above. I also attached the course registered form below for first
registered with BI 424 and later they changed the course again to B1 335.
However, I was late to catch up with the plant physiology class,and I struggled very hard to keep
up because they were already beyond some units of learning. I worked very hard taking notes
and reading through the lecture notes, but without explanations from the tutor or lecturer, I
didn't fully understand some notes . Since the course itself dealt with cellular function,it needed
a thorough explanation to understand the concepts. As they moved on with new lectures, I tried
my best to catch up with previous lectures and understand them until the semester ended,
putting me under pressure with tests, assignments, practicals and exams for B1335 and other
courses, as well. I scored the lowest. I believe that if I had fully attended class from the
beginning, I could have at least made up that 2% to get a $50\% $ and pass the course However,
because I was late due to the above situation , I didn't attend the class and failed the course BI
One factor that affected my learning the whole semester was a timetable clash between two
courses: EN/BI 481 and BI 335. Please refer to the attached timetable highlights for the clash I
sometimes put myself under pressure whether to attend BI 481 or BI 335. Many times, I arrived
late, leaving the BI 481 class in the middle of the lecture and standing outside of the SL to
attend BI 335 because there were too many students crowded in taking BI 335, and space or
seats were limited for a few students to sit. Below is the attachment of the time table to prove
as a appeal grounds for clashes of two class on same time.
Iregistered very late with BI 335 and was also late for classes and lectures, while some
students had already learned enough and understood the concepts of the course Since I
registered late with BI 335, I tried to overload my brain with plant physiology notes, but I didn't
fully catch up because I am a slow-learning student who takes time to understand the concepts.
Therefore, I scored $48\% $ and fell short by $2\% $ to make it up to 50% to pass the course. I failed the
B1335 course because of the above reasons.So, please, I ask for your wisdom, knowledge, and
understanding to give me an opportunity to take a supplementary exam or test to pass the
course again because this is my final year , and students are preparing to go to IT and TP and I
will be late because there's no time.
I kindly request the appeal committee to review my situation and reconsider the fail grades for
better grade. I assure you that I am fully dedicated to my studies and will continue to strive for
excellence in all my academic endeavors.
I am hopeful for a favorable resolution. Attached are relevant documents for your perusal.
Sincerely yours
write a letter to Dr Mathew Landu (PhD). by review the letter above regarding the appeal case in BI 335 plant physiology, write a best and outstanding letter with full respect and trust to Dr Mathew Landu (PhD) to his highest office Stating that: my the Appeal was rejected upon true grounds with a full copy of True documents.
In separate paragraph,strongly ask ask Dr Mathew Landu PhD state that: I do not agree with the decision made to reject my appeal. I'm now writing against the appeal rejected. Please Dr Mathew Landu (PhD) I need your help to give them a direction to give me a pass mark because I am a final year student and I need to go to Industrial Training. Mr Kale, Mr. Anae, Mrs Hungito, Mr Sipana and Dr Shakel know my situation they're doing this and I don't pass the course because of putting me late to the class in BI 335. I still do not accept their decision by rejecting my appeal. they make me feel very down and they fail that course for me.

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Dr. Mathew Landu (PhD)
Appeal Committee
University of Goroka
P.O. Box 1078

Dear Dr. Landu,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you in regard to my recent appeal concerning my failing grade in Plant Physiology (BI 335). I appreciate the efforts of the Appeal Committee in reviewing my situation; however, I regret to inform you that my appeal was rejected. Enclosed is a complete copy of the supporting documents that detail my circumstances.

I want to express my strong disagreement with the decision to reject my appeal. I am now reaching out to you, Dr. Landu, in hope that you might lend your guidance and support in addressing this matter. As a final year student, I am facing critical deadlines to proceed with my Industrial Training. My academic future hinges on this course, and I sincerely request your assistance in facilitating a reconsideration of my situation.

Throughout the semester, several of my instructors, including Mr. Kale, Mr. Anae, Mrs. Hungito, Mr. Sipana, and Dr. Shakel, have been made aware of the challenges I faced, particularly how my late registration and late entry into the course significantly hindered my ability to succeed. Despite my best efforts to catch up, the timing and circumstances ultimately overwhelmed me, leading to my unfortunate failure in BI 335.

I cannot accept the committee's decision, as I believe it does not fully take into account the errors and mishaps in my registration process, which were beyond my control. The decision has left me feeling demoralized, and it seems unjust that my academic record should be negatively impacted due to complications that arose from administrative issues.

I kindly ask you to consider my plea for reconsideration and support in navigating this situation. Your assistance in this matter would mean a great deal to me, and I am fully committed to working hard should an opportunity arise for me to prove my understanding of the course material.

Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. I hope to hear from you soon.


[Your Name]
[Your Student ID: #2021313086]

Attachments: Course Registration Documents, Timetable Highlights, Previous Correspondence

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