To create a scatterplot for texting speed according to age, follow these steps:
Collect Data: Gather data that includes ages of individuals and their corresponding texting speeds (e.g., words per minute).
Select Axes: Decide on the axes for the scatterplot:
- X-axis: Age of individuals.
- Y-axis: Texting speed.
Plot Points: For each data entry, plot a point on the graph where the x-coordinate represents the age and the y-coordinate represents the texting speed.
Label Axes: Clearly label the X-axis as "Age" and the Y-axis as "Texting Speed (WPM)".
Title the Graph: Give your scatterplot a descriptive title, such as "Texting Speed by Age".
Analyze: Look for trends, clusters, or correlations in the plotted data points to interpret the relationship between age and texting speed.
This process effectively visualizes how texting speed varies with age.