The Priest paused for a moment, taking in the question. "I have not yet finished my studies to become a doctor," he replied, "but my brother... he is well, I hope?"
The other priest nodded and continued, "Yes, your brother is doing quite well. He has a loving wife and two children now. They live in a small village not far from here."
A sense of relief washed over the Priest. Despite the dangers and uncertainty of his situation, knowing that his brother had found happiness brought him a semblance of peace. "I am glad to hear that," he said with a slight smile. "Perhaps we should pay them a visit, just to catch up and ensure their safety."
The two priests continued their slow ride through the streets, their horses clip-clopping on the cobblestones. As they approached the village where the Priest's brother lived, the tension in the air grew palpable. The Priest couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement, knowing that each moment spent in England could potentially lead to his capture and imprisonment.
When they finally arrived at his brother's modest home, the Priest dismounted his horse and knocked on the door. It swung open to reveal his brother, who immediately embraced him in a tight hug.
"You've returned!" his brother exclaimed, his voice filled with joy and concern. "We had heard rumors, but we never knew if they were true. I'm so glad to see you, dear brother."
The Priest held onto his brother for a moment, cherishing the connection between them. "I am here, brother," he whispered, his voice filled with determination. "I have come back to serve in the ways that I can, to be a voice of faith in these troubled times."
His brother nodded, understanding the sacrifice the Priest was making. "You have always been a man of conviction," he said proudly. "We will support you, no matter the cost."
And so, the Priest found solace in the love and support of his family, as he continued to navigate the treacherous path of being a Catholic priest in Protestant England. Despite the risks and the uncertainty that lay ahead, he held onto his faith and the belief that his purpose was greater than his fears.
The Catholic priest road his horse slowly down the protestant England streets he had once been legal there but now he was considered illegal or a criminal. He had all was wanted to be a doctor but then when England out laser priest he desired to be come one. A doctor he had wanted to even as a boy living at home in his Fathers estate watching his father's few corn fields growing with his only brother his only sibling four years older then him self. Now he had returned to England and now he was a priest, his brother now had a family. England had just begun its out pawing priest when he left. The thought of being caught as criminal was one that brought the hopes of being a Martyr. Oh the thought was lovely. "If it be Goes will" he whispered to himself
What was that asked the other priest who was riding with him.
Nothing. I suggest we go to my brother's place.
Say where does he live exactly.?
Over near....... He was interpreted
Ah, sir I you have returned have you finished your doctor studys.
Oh, wait tell me how is my brother? I asked
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