The Catholic priest road his horse slowly down the protestant England streets he had once been legal there but now he was considered illegal or a criminal. He had all was wanted to be a doctor but then when England out laser priest he desired to be come one. A doctor he had wanted to even as a boy living at home in his Fathers estate watching his father's few corn fields growing with his only brother his only sibling four years older then him self. Now he had returned to England and now he was a priest, his brother now had a family. England had just begun its out pawing priest when he left. The thought of being caught as criminal was one that brought the hopes of being a Martyr. Oh the thought was lovely. "If it be Goes will" he whispered to himself

What was that asked the other priest who was riding with him.
Nothing. I suggest we go to my brother's place.

Say where does he live exactly.?

Over near....... He was interpreted

Ah, sir I you have returned have you finished your doctor studys.

1 answer

No, unfortunately I had to abandon my studies and become a priest instead. England's laws against Catholic priests forced me to change my path.