The Case Against Celebrity

A. Gautam

The word “celebrity” comes from celebrate and means “to honor and recognize.” However, in recent years, the word celebrity has lost its meaning and changed beyond all recognition. The surge in the use of social media has altered it even more. Now, celebrities are people popular in the media. They are not true role models. But being popular and talked about is what many young people have come to strive. Therefore, celebrity culture is extremely harmful.

Role model
Scientists like Stephen Hawking who became famous not only for his findings and genius but also overcoming his health obstacles should be considered role models. However, youths with hit songs and bold fashion get talked about more in the media. Many of these singers or actors eventually start their own line of products and benefit from fans. Geniuses like Stephen Hawking can teach us values, but celebrities popularize materialism. Celebrities of today are not good role models.

According to a study, 60% of kids in the U.S. believe they are going to be famous someday. 1% see themselves working in an office. 4% can see themselves working as teachers. This is a huge percentage of kids with unrealistic expectation from their lives. Because kids consider celebrities to be their role models, they want to be like them. These kids are not well-rounded or well-suited for the real world.

Moreover, many young people cannot distinguish between good and bad role models. Unfortunately, many celebrities live too public of a life and make mistakes or have harmful habits. Kids might adopt the bad habits or not consider the mistakes as a big deal. In the long run, this forgiving acceptance of role models negatively affects the kids’ character.

Rich celebrities have a team of nutritionists, make-up artists, and fitness coaches to help them appear the way they do. Ordinary people do not look like celebrities. Young people today can be deeply unhappy if they do not look like the people on screen. This obsession might start young and have lasting damaging effects on the kids’ minds and bodies.

Some celebrities are very famous at a young age. They appear to have easy and successful lives. The real world doesn’t operate that way. Finding out about the struggles to make a living can cause deep unhappiness in young people of today. Knowing that there is a vast difference in the lives of celebrities and everyday people is disappointing.

In addition, many young people consider being popular a part of being important, like a celebrity. Those who use social media might chase after like and comments to feel “popular” like the celebrities they adore. This is another path to unhappiness. Grown-ups in young people’s lives should guide them to better role models and teach real values. The kids of today need to focus on something other than celebrities for a happier life.
What does operate mean as it is used in paragraph 6 of this article?
A FunctionFunction
B TreatTreat
C JudgeJudge
D Favor Favor

1 answer

A Function