The Captain of a freighter 8km fromthe nearer of two unloading docks on the shore finds that the angle between the lines of sight to the docks is 35 degrees. if the docks are 10km apart, how far is the tanker from the farther dock?

The Captain of a freighter 8km fromthe nearer of two unloading docks on the shore finds that the angle between the lines of sight to the docks is 35 degrees. if the docks are 10km apart, how far is the tanker from the farther dock?

My answers :

A= unknown
B= unknown
C=35 degrees
using law of sin
sin 35/10=sinB/8
B=.45 dgrees
drwls, Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 5:19pm
The law of sines is the way to do this. That is your method #2. Method #1 only applies to right triangles.

You made some algebra errors, however.

sin B = 0.4589
B = 27.3 degrees

180 - B - C = A , not what you wrote.

i didn't get how he got 27 for B can someone explain it please

1 answer

Looks like you were cut-and-pasting one of drwls responses.

I also got

sin B = 0.4589
B = 27.3 degrees

You were wondering how he got that???
Are you sure you have your calculator set to 'degrees'?

Depending on your make of calculator, press
Shift or 2ndF sin, then .4589

your calc should give you 27.3ยบ