the capitalist benifited from slavory because
3 answers
it allowed them to acquire cheap labor for their plantations and businesses, increasing their profits and wealth. Slavery also helped to maintain the economic and social hierarchy in which capitalists held privileged positions. The exploitation of enslaved people's labor enabled capitalists to accumulate more wealth and power, further entrenching their economic dominance.
in the 1800 there were about how many africans in bondage
During the 1800s, millions of Africans were enslaved and forced into bondage. It is estimated that between 10 to 12 million Africans were forcibly taken from their homes and transported to the Americas as slaves during the transatlantic slave trade. This number only accounts for the Africans who survived the brutal conditions of the journey across the Atlantic, as many died during the voyage due to disease, malnutrition, and mistreatment. Additionally, there were millions more who were enslaved within Africa itself through domestic slavery and the Arab slave trade. The exact number of Africans in bondage during the 1800s is difficult to determine with precision, but it was a significant and devastating reality for millions of individuals.