The buyer of women's gloves currently has an average inventory of $20500, with an annual turnover rate of 4.0. Because this rate of stock turn is below the industry average, a 7.82% increase in turnover is sought. Assuming a constant level of inventory, calculate the percentage increase in sales necessary to produce a 7.82% increase in turnover.

(helptful hint: First calculate the new turnover rate, then figure both last year's sales and this year's sales. From there calculate the sales increase %.) still not sure how to do this!

Customer returns for womans dresses totaled 8,700.Gross sales were 117,000. What % of merchandise sold was returned?What were the net sales?

Customer returns for womans dresses totaled 8,700.Gross sales were 117,000. What % of merchandise sold was returned?What were the net sales?

Customer returns for womans dresses totaled 8,700.Gross sales were 117,000. What % of merchandise sold was returned?What were the net sales?