the brains of left handers may be more sensitive to drugs, says a Swiss researcher, that may be why more people are right handed. Peter Irwin of the chemical firm Sandoz limited, in Basel, gave 88 subjects 12 different drugs, the used electroencephalograms (EEG) to record their brain activity, in 73 percent of the tests, left handers showed a higher EED response. Irwin suggests that right handers may have had an evolutionary advantage because they were less likely to be poisoned by toxic foods.

classify each of the statements into one of the categories defined below.
A. the problem = the main issue or subject being investigated in the study
B. a method = a procedure, process, or approach used to investigate the problem
C. a finding = a proven result obtained as part of the investigation
D. an assumption = a supporting idea, belief, or theory for which no proof is provided in the study
E. irrelevant information = material that does not directly help to provide an understanding of the problem

A variety of drugs were used in the tests. this statement should be classified as
1 the problem
2 a method
3 a finding
4 an assumption
5 irrelevant information

3 a finding ?!

2 answers

can someone please check my answer thank you
Your first answers are correct. But finding is wrong for your last question.