The Boy Who Cried Wolf

K. Reiter

A shepherd boy sat on the hillside, watching the village sheep day after day. One day, he was bored and decided to amuse himself. So, he called out as loudly as he could, “Wolf! Wolf! There’s a wolf coming after the sheep!”

The village people came sprinting up the steep hill to save the sheep. However, when they arrived, they did not find a wolf. The shepherd boy laughed at the sight of the villager’s angry faces.

The villagers warned the boy, “Don’t cry wolf when there is no wolf!” The villagers climbed back down the hill, still angry about the boy’s lie.

Later that day, the shepherd boy was bored again, so he decided to amuse himself again. He sang out, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is going to eat the sheep.”

Again, the villagers sprinted up the hill to save the sheep. When they arrived, they did not find a wolf. The shepherd boy grinned in delight as the villagers grumbled to themselves.

The villagers warned the boy once again, “Don’t cry wolf when there is no wolf.” They stomped back down the hill.

Later that evening, the shepherd boy was tending the sheep when he noticed a hungry wolf creeping about. He leaped to his feet and sang out, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is going to eat the sheep.” He waited for the villagers to come help him save the sheep from the big wolf, but no one came.

The villagers thought the boy was trying to fool them again, so they just sat and listened to his cries. At sunset, the villagers wondered why the boy had not come back down the hill with the sheep. They ventured up the hill only to find the shepherd boy loudly weeping under the tree. He explained that a vicious wolf had appeared and attacked the sheep. He, alone, was not able to save them. The villagers sat in disbelief at what they had heard. They hoped that the shepherd boy had learned a valuable lesson that day.
Which best describes the villagers’ point of view about the shepherd boy?
A They are tired of the shepherd boy’s dishonesty.They are tired of the shepherd boy’s dishonesty.
B They wish the shepherd boy would leave them alone.They wish the shepherd boy would leave them alone.
C They are scared of the wolf and want the boy to get rid of it.They are scared of the wolf and want the boy to get rid of it.
D They are upset at the boy for not keeping their sheep safe.They are upset at the boy for not keeping their sheep safe.
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1 answer

The best response that describes the villagers' point of view about the shepherd boy is:

A. They are tired of the shepherd boy’s dishonesty.

The villagers express frustration and anger at the boy for repeatedly lying about the wolf, which ultimately leads to their disbelief when he genuinely needs help.