surely not A. Only 3 of the days were over 75
so take a look at the other statements, and it should be clear which is true.
The box-and-whisker plot shows the average temperatures in Orlando, Florida in January.
Numbers for the box&whisker: 51,54,57,60,63,66,69,72,75,78,81,84
You can do a box&whisker here:
alcula box plot
Which statement about the temperatures in Orlando must be true?
A. About half of the days in January had average temperatures above 75 degrees.
B. About 50% of the days in January had average temperatures between 66 and 75 degrees.
C. The coldest day in January was 66 degrees.
D. The hottest day in December was 75 degrees
6 answers
looks good to me
Thank you so much!!!
Please use a screenname that doesn't reflect violence. You should return to your most recent screennames, specifically Fiddle Sticks or SendMeNoodles.
Actually, "SendMeNoodles" is an inappropriate name also.
Please use names that are appropriate for an educational website. I have corrected your recent usage of inappropriate names. Thank you.
Please use names that are appropriate for an educational website. I have corrected your recent usage of inappropriate names. Thank you.
Thank you, Leo.