"The Birth of the Air Age"
(1) In December of 1903, two bicycle-makers from Dayton, Ohio, were ready to try an experiment that would make air history.
(2) In Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Wilbur and Orville Wright brought their invention, a machine that looked like a box kite that could carry humans into the air, to the wind-whipped sand dunes. The day was cold and blustery. At 10:35 a.m., Orville Wright climbed into the contraption and began to warm up the engine.
(3) When the engine was at full power, Orville's brother Wilbur released the cable that held the plane in place and the contraption began to clatter down the track with Wilbur running alongside the plane to steady the wings.
(4) It is too bad that very few people had come out that day to witness this history-making event, because suddenly the craft lifted off the ground and stayed in the air for twelve seconds. Then Orville steered the plane gently to the ground. It was the birth of the air age.
(5) The Wright brothers made three more successful flights that day, the longest one lasting nearly a full minute.
(6) Think of how far flight has progressed since that brief flight on a cold day in 1903!
Choose the best paraphrase for paragraph 3.
Question 4 options:
When the engine reached full power, the cable was released and the machine moved down the track.
Wilbur released the cable and ran beside the plane.
Wilbur helped Orville with the plane.
1 answer